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I hope a bunch of women team up and release "goofy clown killer" about a killer clown chasing young boys and "traumatizing" them :))))))). 


That's an awesome idea and I will start devolpment of such a game right away!
Keep in mind that it does take a man's creativity and splendor to create a game on par with the goofy night stalker so that's why I and not a "group of women" will be doing this.

It has also always been a dream of mine to be chased by a killer clown and I aspire to become one in the near future.

This game will hopefully show me what steps I need to take to be able to scare little boys in the most efficient ways and I hope you will be satisfied with the results.

Lots of love


Fix the sensitivity plssss

why is the sensitivity so high?


Very fun game to play! Yours is the first video



best game 10/10 i love games by doudee// grower


Nice game,i love it

GOOFY NIGHT STALKER, acabas de comprar comida en un supermercado y ahora te ves obligada a aventurarte por un camino oscuro de camino a casa, has oído en las noticias que hay un hombre de aspecto ridículo llamado "EL ACOSADOR NOCTURNO GOOFY" que ha estado traumatizando y matando mujeres en la zona, ¿Serás tu una de sus próximas víctimas? Gracias por crear el juego, saludos!!!!


Yup he was goofy lol odd game but enjoyed it. cheers.


Game is pog, like, follow, subscribe, unfollow, and repeat that 10 times for maximum traction.  


This game is good


This man  was, indeed, very goofy. Weird game but I loved it lol


Wow! that guy was goofy


Best game ever 10/10


Thank you!!